More information about this house sitter
hi y'all , first time on here im 4years away from 50 i look smacking 22 timePeriod sept-nov up i will messg my interest in 3months plus from sometime nov-dec
looking for something long-term , prefer close to ocean , nice house (no asbestos) no leaks on roof, and no dramas and hassles i dont smoke or drink
ive lived and worked in every state except sa and nt . currently Vic after i will be selling my peugoet 407, I need to pony up get back into shape before heading in-land will take some time , Ive lived in Kalgoorlie and perth and worked in Pilbara west of TomPrice when it was still a exploration site before it went mining tenement all before my mid-30's, and other mining companies operating Cat 773b 775b 777d 777f and done all this BEFORE my mid 30's . im looking for a place i can go for very long walks everyday breath fresh ocean air, i dont drink or smoke love fishing, im very computer literate/own interest am a clean and tidy person . i respect other peoples property and belongings and animals they may have. i do not have any crim records, not even speeding tickets i dont believe in revenue raising. No tatts dont care if someone does
i have my own finances none of your business and likewise
I just did a license report last speeding ticket was 1999 Cheers i look forward to your reply Read more...
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