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House Sitters 'R Us

ID: 1syl





Age group:

46 to 55


Academic/Writer & Interior designer/Airbnb Superhost/Yoga teacher

Preferred locations:

NSW Northern Rivers
QLD Brisbane North, Brisbane South, Gold Coast, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast

Current bookings:

15 Nov 22 Nov 15 Dec 5 Jan '25

Reply rating:

4.75 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Mature, responsible couple relocated from Gippsland in Victoria to the Northern rivers of NSW, southern Queensland area.

We're here to lovingly take care of your home and pets while you are away, giving you peace of mind knowing all is well.

Jane is a yoga teacher, Airbnb superhost, interior designer and home owner.

luke is also a home owner in the UK, a media and communications academic working online and non-ficton writer.

We are open to taking care of all kinds of pets, pool, and garden.

Your home will be in the best possible hands. We look forward to discussing your needs and helping you.

jane & luke

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