More information about this house sitter
We are an active, retired couple of New Zealanders where we own our own home. We are well travelled and experienced house sitters in England and France, and Australia. Our son lives in Perth along with his wife and two young children who we are keen to spend time with. We see house sitting as a way to allow us to visit Perth longer to be with our young grandchildren. We have previously been dog owners but as we are away from home a lot we no longer have any pets of our own.
Kiwis with a “can do” attitude we are both responsible, honest and clean living. Neither are smokers and only social drinkers.
We enjoy a good daily walk in the hills or bike ride when at home and endeavour to continue worthwhile exercise every day when away. We enjoy exploring new areas and finding good places to stretch our legs.
We look forward to hearing from anyone looking for conscientious care of their pets and home particularly in the northern suburbs and beach areas which would be close to our family in Greenwood.
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