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Semi Retired Volunteer Traveler

ID: 187n





Age group:

55 plus


Semi Retired / casual work / volunteer

Years active:

3 years

Preferred locations:

VIC (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Note: I’m currently unavailable to sit.

I’ve been semi retired for three years after working in the same industry for 35 years.
I love traveling, and have been doing a combination of House Sitting and volunteering over that time.
The house sits have been a mix of rural properties and urban apartments.
Caring for a combination of animals ranging from cats and dogs to horses and chickens and maintaining gardens and lawns. Over time spans from three days to three months.
On some occasions I travel with a friend and House Sit with them too.
I also periodically work on a casual basis.

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