House Sitting Positions (Within 10 km from Muswellbrook)
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8 Oct 2025 27 Oct 202519 days
Muswellbrook, New South Wales
House in a country town
The house is located on a quiet street, a 3-br / 2-bathroom single-level brick house. (only one guest room) Sofa bed available as well.
Small easily maintained gardens. Watering required.
Small-sized Lawn - maintenance not required.
Pet Care - Couchseal, Amstaff. his 57 in dog years,
Feeding Morning ( Cup of Dry), Night (6 pm half cup dry and half a can) - Don't give... Read more
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Pet care for 1 dog
4 Jun 2025 8 Jun 20254 days
Muswellbrook, New South Wales
House in a country town
2 bedroom Brick home within walking distance to town,shops,medical,club.
We have 2 senior Dogs.
3 senior Cats
2 Budgergars
Garden to be watered.
All pets are allowed and expected to be inside during the day.
All sleep outside at night in their areas.
The dogs are Chihuahuas desexed boys both 9 y.o. Need to be lap dogs.
So if you are not a pet person please do not... Read more
Reply rating:
Pet care for 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 other animals (Budgies.)