House Sitting Positions (Within 10 km from Buninyong)
Below is our list of home owners in need of house sitters with the most recent submission at the top. Use the 'Show additional filters' link to find positions in and around specific locations.
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26 Mar 2026 2 May 202637 days
Ballarat/ Brown Hill, Victoria
House in a country town near Ballarat
We live in Brown Hill, in a beautiful quiet location,10 minutes drive to Ballarat CBD. We are looking for a mature , retired couple, non smoking, who love animals..we have 2 very lovable, affectionate female cats, Millie, a beige snowshoes cat, and Dusty, a beige ragdoll. We also have a very friendly miniature dachshund ,Winnie, who loves walks and to sit on your lap. Our... Read more
Reply rating:
Pet care for 1 dog, 2 cats
30 Mar 2025 13 Apr 202514 days
Ballarat East, Victoria
House in the suburbs near Ballarat
Maybe couple of chooks n one 10yrold .its also a airnb but prob wouldn't have anyone at that time if so there is a private wing which you will be in any way . Feed pets twice a day ..4 bedroom/ 2 bathroom house .
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Reply rating:
Pet care for 1 cat, 2 other animals