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Testimonials by our House Sitters

testimonial by Trish and Ron

“ Thank you for being part of some delightful holidays away in other people's homes, caring for pets etc. We had some extraordinary experiences. Unfortunately we can't renew our membership, mainly due to age and health issues”

Trish and Ron
testimonial by Heidi C

“ Dear Team, I wish to thank you for your fantastic and efficient daily efforts to allow we house-sitters to locate kind and generous home-owners. I am having so much fun with the pets that I get to know during my stays, not to mention the home owners who are pleasant and easy to get along with. I just mentioned you in Linked-In, where I have been a member while working fulltime in Sales in Switzerland. I feel so privileged being a member with you. Wishing you a wonderful and successful New Year.”

testimonial by Lucienne

“ Hello Mindahome, I am presently house sitting in Yungaburra on 6 acres with 5 chooks, and 1 partially blind and deaf Cavoodle, who loves 100% company. The property has a fire place for the cool nights and citrus trees. A fresh pink grapefruit for breakfast and fresh oranges during the day is such a pleasure. Nearby is a delightful walk along the creek where Bell and I have watched platypus play. The air is fresh and sweet with the perfume of mango and macadamia flowers. The mooing cows next door and an array of colourful birds to watch from the verandah make the stay one to remember. The beautiful blue ulysses butterflies are also viewed from the verandah while having my morning coffee, what more could you ask for? Regards Lucienne ”

testimonial by David and Glenys

“ We reside in NSW and for the last five years, since our retirement, we have been house sitting in Queensland to get away from our cold Southern winter in June, July and August. We have made many lifelong friends along with their pets and also gained some excellent references. Some of our most recent house sitting experiences have been at Nindeeree on the Sunshine Coast, a two acre property with a beautiful home and two Border Collies to look after. This was followed by Redcliffe, caring for a delightful Chihuahua who loved us as just much as we loved her! Then on to Coomera with no pets to care for but this is what you would consider a dream house sit. Double story water front home on the Coomera River tending to the garden and watching the boats cruise past. After our winter sits we missed all of our cold southern winter, and have now returned home all refreshed and looking where we may end up next winter! Thank you Mindahome.”

testimonial by Coral and Ivan

“ We have been house sitting for quite a few years now and I want to tell you that it has been a wonderful experience for us. We have met such lovely people and we have been to some wonderful places. We had a year off but having come back in 2017 we are again reminded of just how rewarding it can be - just talking to prospective house sits has been really lovely . I rarely write reviews but I thought this may be a good time to do so. Coral There have been one or two homeowners that we have declined due to unfortunate experiences - but a couple out of the many is not bad going :)”

testimonial by Cat W

“ I was hugely fortunate to find a home sitting job offered in exactly the location and on exactly the dates that lined up with my plans for being between permanent houses. I met with Jim and Helen as well as their beloved cat, Pushka, and was confirmed as their choice of house sitter the next day. They were generous in showing me the way the house worked as well as providing me with linen, a guest bedroom, electric blanket and full access to the pantry (which I haven't felt right doing, but is wonderful to know!). They also have a fabulous herb garden, which is highly appealing to a vegetarian parsley lover. Without the ease and accessibility, as well as the huge variety of jobs on offer, through Mindahome, I would have been totally stuck for where to go. Highly recommend this service to all and my experience has been excellent.”

testimonial by Katie O

“ Yes we stumbled across a wonderful sitter’s position in Nana Glen just outside Coffs Harbour. As it turned out they had 2 horses for us to sit as well. As we had both had a lot of experience with horses over the years we were only too pleased to accept the job. The General and Ballerina were exceptional horses and had personalities all of their own. Whilst The General liked to pretend he was boss horse Ballerina was the one who gave the orders and The General would stand well back when Ballerina commanded. They were however best of friends other than at meal time when Ballerina would insist on being fed first and look out The General if he came near Ballerina's food. Putting coats on and getting them off morning and evening was pleasant enough as they really didn't like the cold nights and loved to have a good old roll on the grass in the warm sun of the day. We have house sat for The General and Ballerina 3 times now and loved every minute of it. Names changed to protect the innocent Thanks to The General and Ballerina we were asked to horse sit another farm with 4 Clydesdales. Along with this came 80 weaners and 2 cats. Each morning a similar routine where we would mix the feed for the horses remove their rugs. Have a chat to them as we would give them a brush and check their water. Then it would be meet the calves and throw them their hay for the day. Feed the cats and our work was done until the afternoon which left our days free to explore or do whatever we liked. Word soon gets around if you are a good house/horse sitter and as always word of mouth is better than any written reference you can get. We intend next year to travel around Australia sitting as we go. Happy traveling. ”

testimonial by Mave & Ed D

“ My husband and I recently went for two weeks to a Mindahome job in Mornington Peninsula. It was a lovely spacious home and garden within walking distance of a beach, town, harbour, jetty, cinema, bus station and shopping. Our two animal charges were dogs and both became affectionate and devoted friends, we were quite sorry to have to say goodbye after our daily beach walks with them. We were pleased that our home-owner was able to go away with peace of mind to a much needed holiday.”

testimonial by Anica

“ Dear Mel and Sue, my complements for having had created such a wonderful website - it's by far one of the best on the market. Love the daily updates and how easy it is to navigate through it. I've only joined about three months ago. I live in WA and my initial attempts in finding a suitable 'house sit' position were directed towards NSW and Qld, because eventually I'd like to head over east. However that proved rather difficult in coordinating the dates to make it worthwhile. I then concentrated on WA and ever since doing that I've been very successful in finding beautiful home owners and their pets to 'house/pet sit' for. My services as a 'house sitter' are almost non stop booked until mid Sept. 2015. Am still hopeful to find suitable 'house sits' over east after September. A big 'Thank you' for all the great opportunities your website has presented me with.”

testimonial by Wayne and Bernie R

“ Dear Mel and Sue, my compliments for having had created such a wonderful website - it's by far one of the best on the market. Love the daily updates and how easy it is to navigate through it. We've only joined about fifteen months ago. We live in QLD and our initial attempts in finding a suitable 'house sit' position directed towards NSW and Vic, because eventually we would like to head over west. However that proved rather difficult in coordinating the dates to make it worthwhile. I then concentrated on Qld and ever since doing that I've been very successful in finding beautiful home owners and their pets to 'house/pet sit' for. Our services as a 'house sitter' are almost non stop booked until end of June 2017 . We are still hopeful to find suitable 'house sits' down south after June. A big 'Thank you' for all the great opportunities your website has presented us with”

testimonial by Barry and Christine

“ As you were good enough to give me some pointers I thought you may be interested in our progress with your site. We now are booked for a sit in Hervey Bay. Graham at Pt.Vernon 24 Th. May to24 Th Aug. We went to visit and they said they were so happy to have us. Great couple. Then Stephen at Narrawallee 2nd. Sept to18th. Oct. I have been talking to him and we get on great. He is even organising a group of fishermen and golfers to meet me. We have also said O.K. to a sit over Christmas in Bargara with 5 Cats and 2 dogs. So all going well. I am sure, as I get more on my site and some references from people we sit for we will just go from one to the other as we wish. Happy Mindahome Members ”

testimonial by Sylvia

“ Just wanted to say how much I love Mindahome. You guys do a first class job.  I recommend you to so many people.  I've had the best experience with the most wonderful animals and to me it's all about spreading the love. Just wanted to share that you have made me happy to be with wonderful animals - meet other terrific animal lovers and of course save money too. See.... What a fabulous thing you do. I hope your proud.  Nearly. 10 years I see.”

testimonial by Deb J

“ Our hosts were lovely. Steph was a vet and Tony, retired looked after the property (which was no mean feat!) Tony showed us how to milk his goats, in itself not that spectacular but the Sheriff of Rodents was directly above me keeping a close eye out !”

testimonial by Judy & John

“ Hi, we have just finished a lovely sit for Jill & Geoff. 10 weeks at their property in Toowoomba and had the most lovely poodle " Oscar " he was just gorgeous, settled with us straight away, couple of chooks 2 eggs a day, guinnie fowls, horses, little bit cool, but Geoff left us plenty of wood so we were nice & comfortable, we have a return date in August 2015. ..looking forward to that. Cheers”

testimonial by Niki M

“ Hi there Sue and Mel I have had some great times in my house-sits done over the years - some for friends all over this wonderful country of Oz . . These days I'm getting word-of-mouth jobs, and from people I have house-sat through your web site. I will be in Capel WA from three to six months! my name passed on by a house-sit gained from you in the same town, and just around the corner from them! so it will be good to have some neighbours, but no pets to look after which is what I love the most! I hope to try to walk their dog for them, put up a sign - just gotta walk the dogs!! My sister in Canning Vale, Perth, has boarding kennels for dogs, so I'm a dab hand at lovin' and caring for dogs. Cats are more independent, but love the too. Had birds and fish too. Thanks, I recommend your site to anyone who asks me about how to get house-sitters! ”

testimonial by Helen B

“ Recently I completed my first house sit and can only rave about the experience. The home owner, Leanne in Townsville, was so generous allowing me to use her car and, during the two day overlap before she left on her holiday she introduced me, gave me a familiarisation tour of the city and intros to her family and friends so I had plenty of support if needed ... certainly a comforting feeling. The home and pet were extremely low maintenance too. Thank you, Mindahome, for facilitating such a wonderful experience for me. And special thanks to Leanne.”

Helen B HB
testimonial by Maree and Guy

“ Hi Sue & Mel, absolutely love the website, I joined in December 2013 as a Home Owner looking for someone to look after our house & pets for 63 days while we travelled America. We found a lovely couple Pamela & Chris we had the pleasure of them coming and staying with us a few days before needed so we got to know them and they got to know our pets before we drove away for the next 10 weeks. We keep in constant contact via emails and Facebook while we were away also, so peace of mind knowing that everything back home was ok. I'm in the process of finding someone to look after house/pets for a week this time in August and have already have someone interested. As of tonight we (myself and hubby) have decided that we would like to actually do the house sitting ourselves along with our teenage kids. The main reason is the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter that the kids will be off doing their own thing and we will have more time to get into travelling around our own country, also we want to involve the kids in the house sitter lifestyle so once they become independent living that house sitting can be an option for them. I'm hoping for a very successful house sitting experience with Mind a Home, I have highly recommended your website.”

testimonial by Neal and Helen

“ Neal and I house sit in the Adelaide area each summer and have house sat/pet minded all over the place - suburbs and rural, had 2 horses, huge variety of dogs all shapes and sizes (all of whom we have fallen in love with), cats, chooks, fish and of course gardens.  At one house sit we had 2 Rottweilers, 1 Rotty/ridgeback cross and 1 staffy in a very small house and they all lived inside.  Another time we looked after 2 glorious dogs, who were both on special diets and meds in the Adelaide Hills.  I had to share the bed for 4 weeks with one of the dogs as that was how he normally slept, so our bed we shared.  He was a gentleman, and had a hilarious habit of falling out of bed when rolling over every now and then (he was a Hungarian Vitzler, with very long legs).  Neal had to sleep on our camp bed. We've had the pleasure of looking after such wonderful animals and lovely families and look forward to doing the same this coming summer.”

testimonial by Susan L

“ This is the second year of pet sitting in Australia. I am a volunteer in a Spanish dog rescue. This I have done for 9 years. We have many adoptions to Germany and Holland. Last year I sat for 1 month in Perth over Christmas. This year a 2 week cat sit over Christmas and immediately to the same house as last year for a month. My last sit is next week in Perth for 6 cats. 2 need medicine and this I do at our rescue centre in Spain. I have only to stay 6 nights in a hotel before back to UK/Spain. This makes 2 months in your Summer with animals and no hotel expense. Well recommended.”

“ Good morning, we love Mindahome and have been blessed with meeting some wonderful people and looking after so many beautiful animals (pets). The Mindahome website is easy to navigate, and our enquiries are always promptly responded to. Thanks Sue & Mel for such a terrific service.”

testimonial by Ian & Stella M

“ We've been with Mindahome since June 2009 and have found your service to be excellent.  It would be hard to pick a favourite sit.   We have had some wonderful places, ranging from a sheep farm in the foothills of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, to a house in Mosman with panoramic views over the Outer Harbour to the Heads, to a gorgeous house on the banks of the Nerang River overlooking Surfers Paradise, to inner city cottages in Melbourne and Adelaide.  Perhaps what we have enjoyed the most has been meeting so many charming people and looking after so many different pets, with their many different traits and personalities.”

Ian & Stella M - Victoria Millers
testimonial by Brian and Raakel S

“ Hey guys just want to say thanks for a great experience we had recently in Bunbury WA house sitting for a lovely couple and their shy putty cat. We had a tremendous holiday in a beautiful part of Australia.”

testimonial by Megan, Lawrence & Missy

“ We have recently had our first Mindahome experience of 10days at Howden, Tasmania on an idyllic acreage water view property. Our care included numerous animals (horse, chickens, rabbit - now with a family of little ones!), + 2 dogs, Charlie & Lucy. Owners were agreeable for us to also have our own Missy dog X Shitsu. The dogs quickly 'set their boundaries' with each other & ALL went very smoothly. Thank you to the family for giving us this opportunity. We definitely wish to plan more Mindahome positions.”

testimonial by Carol & Chris

“  As house sitters, we are delighted with the service offered by Mindahome compared to other sites we used previously. The number of sits available is great. Since registering in December 2014 we have already had several offers of house sits and look forward to many more!!!  Thank-you. ”

testimonial by Hamish

“ Hey g'day there Sue & Mel, Thought to send a quick thank you reply to the warm email sent recently. I've only joined MAHome and already on my first 'assignment', as I type away! Just thought to share with you how wonderful this idea is, and just how great the experience is helping not only myself - but the home / dog owners now on holiday. Hope you both have a great holiday / time off for the NYE also.”

Hamish - Melbourne, Vic H
testimonial by Cimone and Merv

“ My husband Merv and I are absolutely thrilled with the inundated offers to pet-sit. We joined at the end of May and have been booked up ever since. It really was the BEST $49 ever spent. The quality of home owners you have attracted have been A-mazing and the adventures we have had has been life-changing.”

testimonial by Yvonne and Michael

“ Hi Guys: We are contacting you to let you know we have bought ourselves a house in Innisfail, Far North Queensland so won't be house sitting for a while. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with your company and you have been great in supplying a variety of places for us. They have all been special and we still keep in touch with our house-sit people. We have made may friends and returned to the same places a few times. We have recommended your services to people we have met, both travellers and house owners. We now have our new house and large dog and was asked what we were going to do if we wanted to go away. "Contact Mindahome, of course!" Thank you so much for the wonderful experiences you have made possible. Cheers, Yvonne and Michael”

testimonial by Sheree

“ We're from the UK and have just returned from spending 2 months in Australia, where we are happy to report we had a very lovely 2.5week housesit secured through Mindahome. We are over the moon to have found Mindahome and have done nothing but rave about the whole experience.  Not only did it enable us to stay in a wonderful property, we made great friends with both the pets and owners.”

Sheree - London, United Kingdom
testimonial by Unita

“ Have just finished 3 months away housesitting and have found this an exciting experience also giving me time to visit my family in 2 states. I normally travel between May and July each year for a break from Tasmania and have found this most enjoyable meeting nice people and some beautiful pets. Thanks for your site making it possible.”

Unita - Tasmania

“ I have almost completed a house sit of six weeks in Perth for Carey W.  This was my first house sit and it has been excellent.  I have loved taking care of the house and the dogs and the cats....I had three dogs and five cats to look after - and it has been fascinating getting to know and understand them.  My son lives close by so it has been a win win situation!!  Thank you so very much for putting me in contact with my House sit.  I will certainly use your site again in the future.  I leave at the weekend to stay in the city and say goodbye to Perth and my new found friends and my Son of course - sadly - on Tuesday.  What memories I am taking back to England with me??? ”

Vivien P
testimonial by Patricia

“ Thank you for this wonderful site for House-sitters. Although most of my house-sitting over the past 2 years was for family and friends I did have a couple of house-sitting positions through your site during that time. I found the whole process was simple, straightforward and effective. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!”

testimonial by Dale & Cathryn R

“   Hello Mel and Sue. We have only been back for 1 week and we have a 13 week house sit on the Gold Coast at Mermaid Beach in a million $ home with a pool and no maintenance. I cannot believe that you still only charge $49.00 per annum. If you put it up to $100.00 per annum, I for one would not complain. Great site. Thanks again. ”

testimonial by Patrick B

“ After 50 years I suddenly was a Widower. After an initial pause I found Mindahome and the opportunities you presented and I am so pleased I took you on. I have found over these past years that I have been able to meet so many people who after repeat visits to their farms and homes, have become friends. I have enjoyed animal company in the past with my own dogs, but here I found a much wider animal community which have given a purpose. I love working farms and domestic sits. Mindahome was the avenue to these places and I have not failed to be welcomed and I treat the property as my own so that is how the mutual respect has grown. Thank you Mindahome I will stay with you as long as I can.”

Patrick B - Mornington Vic.

“ Thanks for the reminder. I have now resubscribed to Mindahome for another 12 months. Your system works as we have secured two housesits totalling 15 months from the end of June 2011. Thanks for providing a great service.”

Ric & Maxine T
testimonial by MareeNGreg

“ We just wanted to let you know that since joining membership with mindahome.com.au (only a few months ago) we have had ongoing bookings. Our initial reason for joining was to help others where we could and to also continue living the lifestyle we enjoy while travelling and working within and around Brisbane/Qld. Our businesses are set up that they help others reclaim time and allowing them to outsource their to-do’s including home maintenance and repairs, having them to also enjoy the lifestyle they desire in travelling away from home. It sure is a win-win for everyone! Thank you and congratulations to you on your achievements.”

testimonial by Judy & John

“ Hi Mel & Co. Just a message to wish you all Very Merry Xmas, we are spending our xmas at Dunowran near Hervey Bay, Our home owners have gone on a holiday to New Zealand for 3 Months, We are minding their beautiful Boxer cross rescue dog, she is an absolute delight. These people are friends of people whom we have sat for on 3 previous occasions, and going back to their home June & July, they also have a staffy Sheeba, and she greets us each time very excited to see us, Most of our sits now are word of mouth, so we don't have to do much, thank you for your Mindahome Sits. Judy & John”

testimonial by Ita & Andrew

“ Hi Mel and Sue, Wanted to say Mindahome is the best. Since we joined  last year we have met many lovely people, their beautiful pets and the diverse environments through our house sits.  We always get exited when we get a message for a sitting, looking forward to see more of Australia and meeting new people and their beautiful pets. Kindest regards ”

testimonial by Lyn & Don M.

“ Mindahome has become a regular and welcome email in our morning mailbox. It's amazingly varied in its opportunities, and very careful in its screening. Furthermore the membership fees are reasonable. Basically we've found one or two regular owners that have proved special and we've been landslided with offers that we wish we could fulfil. Lovely people and great venues. Occasionally we see optimistic advertisements (in effect "slaves wanted") but they're an amusement and I'd imagine attract no response. We'll remain with Mindahome because, after trying most if not all of them, it's proved the best by far for our requirements and at a fair cost. Highly recommended. ”

“ Hello to all at Mindahome, Just a note to express how impressed we are by your site. We only joined early this year & have had 5 very enjoyable housesits in Queensland, we have met some lovely people with such nice pets. We plan to continue to tour around this magnificent country minding pets & homes as we go, minding the pets is such a bonus as we love them all!  Cheers, Leonie & Don.”

“ Thank you for your service,we have just completed our first house sit at Howard Springs Nt. A great experience taking care of Lissy and Ruby lovely dogs of the home owners. Leonie and Mark were great allowing us to have visitors over. We were so grateful to them for allowing us the first time experience of house sitting with their lovely four legged family and four chooks. Thanks to you all.  Lissy and Ruby are missed already as I don't need to be walked to day girls! Thank you all . Anne and Glenn House sitters Mindahome profile: https://mindahome.com.au/house-sitters-available/glennanne.5190.html

“ Hi Mindahome, I have just renewed our subscription and wanted to take the opportunity to say how pleased we are with the service! I am always raving about Mindahome to others. Our experiences so far have been overwhelmingly positive -lovely people and pets in a variety of places.  We have only done 3 stints so far over about 3 years but this is what suits us.  We have had to knock back a surprising number of offers - if only we had more time......  our only bad experience was having our car broken into in Perth in the drive way of the house, and that could be put down to the naivety of country people not putting the car in the yard!! Thanks again ”

Dorothy V - Victoria Empty Nesters
testimonial by Garry & Deborah R

“ We would like to congratulate Mindahome on the process that is in place.  We have been members only for about three months.  Since joining, we now have five property sits (acreage specialists) with two here in Tasmania and three consecutive sits over five months in Victoria from 24th may.  It has been necessary to decline a further seven applications during this time from property owners as their dates clash with our sitting commitments - most have asked can they contact us for later bookings.  We are very pleased to have selected Mindahome as our sitting provider.”

“ Just letting you know that I have renewed my subscription for another 12 months. Your system has worked well for us. We have had enough sits to keep us happy and have had to say no to more than we  expected!”

Margaret T
testimonial by Michael

“   I'm pleased to have been a house-and-pet-sitter with Mindahome for almost one year. As I write these lines I am in my 5th house-sit, caring for 5 adorable cats, 5 chickens and 2 geese over the next 6 weeks! Joining Mindahome last year fulfilled a dream I had some years earlier. I have always loved cats and dogs, providing them the quality time and attention which they enjoy and appreciate. During the past year I have had some memorable experiences, mostly in Tasmania with two in New South Wales and one in Melbourne. I look forward to continuing my association with this highly reputable home-owner and house-sitter network! Much more information about Michael at this blog post: https://mindahome.com.au/blog/house-sitting-is-a-dream-come-true-for-michael/

testimonial by Regards Sue O'D

“ Hello Mindahome, I had a very successful house minding experience in a lovely house in Hawthorne Brisbane for 5 weeks. The owner very kindly lent me a car and I was able to visit my grand children nearly every day.  ”

Regards Sue O'D - Queensland

“ I just wanted you to know that this evening we spoke with the owner of the property at Woorooloo and are hopefully meeting with them in the next few days. They sound fabulous and are English the same as ourselves. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, I just wanted to thank you so very much for giving us such a helpful and positive experience. We've only been members for a few weeks!”

Vanessa A
testimonial by Joanna S

“ Dear Admin Staff I just want to let you know that I will no longer be needing to house sit. Many thanks for your service.  It has been a good experience. I think your agency is one of the best in Australia. I very much appreciated the daily update on email of the new listings. Also your site was really easy to use. Kind regards and all the best in 2014 ”

Joanna S

“ Hello there. Thanks to Mindahome, we are now booked up until end of May. Thanks for this opportunity. We are getting a lot of direct emails asking us to sit and at least one has suggested we change our availability details to save them contacting us, so I did.”

Judith and Ken C