Hillston, New South Wales
ID: 3schName: | Tania |
Nearest major city: | Griffith |
Sitter required for: | 4 Feb 2025 4 Mar 202528 days |
Dates are flexible: | We haven't locked in travel dates as we are caravanning and mostly we are guided by what the weather is doing and what is needing to be done on farm. |
Pet sitting required: | 3 dogs, 35 farm animals |
Sitter's pets welcome: | Maybe |
Reply rating: |
About this house sitting position in Hillston
We live on a broadacre dryland farm. We grow wheat, barley, Canola etc. Currently home to 3 dogs Yogi, Marley and Wally. A small mob of sheep who require minimal care, just cleaning and checking water trough. The garden area is quite large and requires mowing using a ride on, regularly. We have a pool which does require some maintenance, but we do have a pool cleaner who comes out. Most of the garden has automatic sprinklers, but some areas still require manual watering. We have a full-time staff member who lives on site, but not at the house. A caravan site is located right near the pool and has it's own ensuite.
The dogs are all locked up and fed each night, and then let out in the mornings. No fencing to keep them in, they just stay around the house and workshop, mostly where people are.
Home has external security cameras
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Hillston, New South Wales | 23 Dec 2025 2 Jan 202610 days |