Jurien Bay, Western Australia
ID: 3so5Name: | Trish |
Nearest major city: | Perth |
Sitter required for: | 24 Apr 2025 10 Jun 202547 days |
Pet sitting required: | 1 dog, 8 other animals (chooks) |
Sitter's pets welcome: | No |
Reply rating: |
About this house sitting position in Jurien Bay
6 year old, 5X2 home on 10 acres.
Theatre room, open living.
Situated 12kms south of Jurien Bay which is on the Turquoise Coast.
Amazing sunsets, only 3kms from a beautiful beach.
Have 1 dog "Mud" brown kelpie cross and 8 chooks.
Whoever gets chosen will need to feed Mud and collect the eggs and feed the chooks. Mud loves people.
We have a large grassed area that will need mowing (We have a ride-on mower)
All lawns have automatic reticulation.
There is a couple of small gardens that will need to be hand watered. There is several pot plants on alfresco area that will need watering also.
Whoever is chosen we would like them to arrive at least 3 days before we leave so we are able to go through everything with them.
Home has external security cameras
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