Mount Egerton, Victoria
ID: 3rhkName: | Margaret |
Nearest major city: | Ballarat |
Sitter required for: | 17 May 2025 16 Aug 202591 days |
Dates are flexible: | We have not booked tickets yet - and any overlap is fine as we have two homes on the property. |
Pet sitting required: | 2 cats, 15 farm animals |
Sitter's pets welcome: | Maybe |
Reply rating: |
About this house sitting position in MOUNT EGERTON
We have a small hobby farm of 40 acres complete with the usual menagerie of animals: horses, Lowline cows, a sheep and a miniature goat. While the farm animals look after themselves mostly (and we have fabulous "real" famers next door to keep an eye on things) what we are looking for is a confident, person or couple whom we can trust with our more domesticated family: Evie and Zippy (Russian Blue cats), Errol (budgie) and the chickens (too many to name!) Evie, Zippy and Errol live in the farm cottage, not the main house, where you would be.
We have no fixed dates as yet and we could use the cottage if there is an overlap of time: you would have the modern, attractive four bed main house as your accomodation. It will be winter here while we are away, but the house has a big wood burner and there will be heaps of wood in the woodshed.
The lawn around the houses shouldn't grow much but we would hope for someone who can use a ride on mower (zero turn and ordinary) and know if its too wet to mow!
Finally, for those who like to walk on the beach in winter, we also own a house in Portland which you could use...we have a fabulous 'backstop' farm friend who can watch the place for a few days if you do go away.
We obviously have heaps of room to park a caravan or mobile home and we would be open to talking to you if you have your own dog - ours will be holidaying with a friend.
Please be in touch if it sounds like something you would be interested in doing! Read more...
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