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Home Owner Registration

Going away and need a house sitter? Join for free and start contacting experienced, reliable house sitters now

  • List your house sitting needs with us and join thousands of happy home and pet owners that have found their perfect house sitters with Mindahome.
  • Also receive our free 'How to' eBook, ‘A Home Owners Guide to House Sitting’. Follow the guide and enjoy your trip away comfortable in the knowledge your home is secure and your pets are happy.
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Your last name:*
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Street address:*
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Suburb or town:*
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Postal code:*
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State in Australia:*
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Show help * Required field Home Details - your public advertisement
Suburb or Town:*
Suburb in which your home is located
Postal code:*
Postal code of the area in which your home is located
Nearest major city:
City or town in which your home is located
State in which your home is located
Describe your home and requirements:*
needs at least %c% more word%s%
Please describe your home and location, list the duties expected of the House Sitter
Youtube video:
Youtube video URL, if you have one
Home type:*
Number of floors:
Amenities for sitter:*
Have security cameras?*
Location type:*
Close to:
Is pet care required?*
What kind of pets?*
Number of dogs:*
Number of cats:*
Number of farm animals:*
Number of other animals:*
Are sitters with pets welcome?*
Sitter required from:*
The start date of the house sit assignment
The end date of the house sit assignment
Check this box if this listing should appear as new to browsing sitters.
Check this box if the dates specified are approximate.
