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ID: 1rwg





Age group:

55 plus



Preferred locations:

All Australia (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Couple introduction
We are planning a trip to the Sydney area of New South Wales, Australia from 01/02/2025 to 15/02/2025. We are a couple from China, currently retired, before retirement
He worked as a teacher and administrator in universities and secondary schools until his retirement. We are in good health and have a wide range of interests, like travel, like natural scenery and like the culture of countries around the world, and are willing to meet friends from different countries and different cultural backgrounds. It was a pleasure to be with you during this planned trip to Australia and to exchange the hard work of our couple for your accommodation and board. We will definitely do our best to complete the tasks you give us. We don't smoke or drink, we have a regular schedule, we eat a healthy diet, we have no bad habits or bad habits, we like to be quiet, we like to read, we like music and exercise. When it comes to languages, our native language is Chinese mainland Chinese Simplified, but with the help of language translators and devices like AI artificial intelligence ChatGPT, we can communicate with you in multiple languages. I hope you and I have a happy cooperation during our short time together. Thank you!
我们计划于01/02/2025--15/02/2025 到澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼地区旅游。 我们是一对来自中国的夫妻,目前已经退休,退休之前
一直在大学和中学作教师和行政管理工作直至退休。 我们身体健康 兴趣广泛,喜欢旅游,喜欢自然风光和喜欢世界各国家的文化,愿意结识不同国家和不同文化背景的朋友。 本次计划在澳大利亚旅行期间,很高兴能与您相聚,并通过我们夫妻的努力工作换取您的食宿帮助。 我们一定会尽力完成您交给我们的工作任务。 我们不吸烟不喝酒,作息规律,饮食健康,无不良嗜好和不良习惯,喜欢安静喜欢读书喜欢音乐和运动。 在语言方面,我们的母语是中国大陆简体中文,但是借助语言翻译器以及AI人工智能ChatGPT等设备可以用多种语言与您进行交流。 但愿你我在短暂的相处期间合作愉快。 谢谢!

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