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Clover - Holding and creating Sanctuary

ID: 1naw





Age group:

46 to 55


Online business products and an Alchymeic Astrologer and Feng Shui Consultant

Preferred locations:

NSW Illawarra, Mid North Coast, Murray-Lower Darling, New England North West, Northern Rivers QLD (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

I grew up with a Pug (dog) and I have included a photo of the last dog that I was very close to. She was a mix Maltese Shih Tzus. I have also looked after cats and a chicken and other smaller animals including rabbits, goldfish and gerbils.

I have lived and owned a few homes and they have been on large and small property blocks and so I am aware of basic household requirements.
*I have had to look after a swimming pool and cleaned skimmer boxes and emptied the pool, but I just haven’t dealt with the ph balance.
*I have created and tended to my own veggie garden, and love to start a compost bin or keep a worm farm going if you have one because I have a lot of veggie scraps.
*I'm aware of basic requirements of watering plants and collecting mail, if you need this.
* I am very good at holding space and creating a clean clear space. I am dependable, reliable and I move to leave a space brighter than when I arrived.

I have a calming presence for pets and am available to walk a dog, cuddle, feed and let them know they are loved. Been with a beautiful cat that has been so affectionate and whether they are also keen to play or not they become aware that I am present holding their space loving them and looking after them. So if it is to just hold the space in your home while you are away, or look after a pet, let's see if we are a good fit.

I work from my computer and phone a lot of the time so I am around the home a lot. I have decided to experience new areas after living in Fingal Head, NSW for the past 8 plus years and before that outside of Murwillumbah, NSW and am available to travel a bit. The top photo is from August 2023 when I went to Egypt on the Nile.

I have a November 2023 police clearance check done and can be supplied once we connect. I have a lot of references that can be supplied as well. I have a website. I am a non smoker, I don’t party. I bring my juicer and blender and organic bedding including pillows and bath towels since I have a business that has sold these.

Please get in touch if you would like to see if we are a good fit.

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