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Colin & Julie

ID: 7ep





Age group:

55 plus


Medical Receptionist

Preferred locations:

NSW WA (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Colin and I are both animal lovers from the day we were born, we have no dependants anymore (empty nesters). We love to travel but cannot afford it and Colin is retired now & he has always worked and deserves to get away. House & pet sitting means that we can have our cake and eat it too. We have always had animals from budgies to horses and many more others in between. At present I work as a Medical Receptionist & I clean a house for NDIS so keeping a house clean is important to me and Colin feels the same way. We used to live on 3 acres so maintaining a house or a small farm is no trouble for either of us. Animals have always been a big part of our lives and our individual make up and I think Colin can actually talk to them and they understand him. We also love to garden so if there is any up keep in the gardens that would be an added bonus for us. Thank you for taking the time to read aliitle about ourselves. Regards Julie & Colin xx

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