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Honest, reliable, loving couple

ID: 1kmt





Age group:

55 plus


Semi retired

Years active:

1 year

Preferred locations:

QLD Far North Queensland and Torres Strait, Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday, Sunshine Coast

Current bookings:

26 Aug 1 Nov

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

We are Andrew and Linda and have our own business in England but close the company in winter and have been house sitting a large property in Andalusia Spain for 3 years but last year decided to come back to Australia and visit the places we never got to when we lived here, we spent 3 weeks looking after a farm in Victoria and loved it .
I (Linda) grew up on a farm in Yorkshire so am very comfortable with all types of animals we always had dogs until recently, Andrew is very hands on and we had a lawn mowing business in Queensland many moons ago.
Honesty and reliability is assured and love and cuddles to your pets are definitely 💯 guaranteed.
If you want any more information please let us know
Andrew & Linda

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