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Loving Pet and Housesitter

ID: 1qyo





Age group:

26 to 35



Preferred locations:

WA Perth North, Perth South

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

My name is Elise, and I was born and raised in Perth. I moved to Bali a few months ago when my lease in Fremantle ended. However I got incredibly sick and had to come home to recover. I have been housesitting for the last 3 months until I find a place of my own.

I'm an experienced animal sitter, and I have looked after everything from two big boisterous huskies, to small spoodles. I also really love cats. I do not have any pets of my own.

I lead a quiet life, I work part time during the day, and love nature walks and beach swims in my spare time. I don't drink, smoke, or party, and like to keep my space clean.

I'll happily send you photos and videos of your pets so you know they're happy as can be and well looked after while you're away :)

I'm looking forward to caring for your home and pets! :)

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