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Your pets next best friend

ID: 1r5g





Age group:

36 to 45


Senior Occupational Therapist

Preferred locations:

All Australia (full regions list)

Current bookings:

14 Jun 28 Jun 9 Jul 31 Jul 2 Aug 14 Aug 16 Aug 14 Sep 17 Sep 25 Sep 12 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 1 Dec

Reply rating:

4.6 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Hello! Thanks for having a look at my profile. Here's a bit about me:
I am an Occupational Therapist who currently works supporting people of all ages with a disability or degenerative conditions remotely via Telehealth. I have a huge love for all animals and always crave quality time with some furry friends, as working remotely means I cant have my own pet friends. I always manage to build trust, rapport and friendship with everyones pets and Im always being asked to pet/house/plant sit by friends and work colleagues. I thought I would make it official and so I have created this profile to connect with other like minded people who are looking for an attentive, respectful and passionate house/pet/plant sitter who will dote over their bundle of fluffy joy, keep their plants happy and/or keep their house safe! I have been house sitting and caring for pets and plants for over a year now in Western Australia and am moving around Australia with work. I lead a very healthy lifestyle as a passionate surfer, enjoy yoga, meditation, playing guitar and meeting as many pets and their owners as I travel on my way. I look forward to meeting you and yours soon!

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