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Full-time committed house and pet sitter

ID: 1h0o





Age group:

36 to 45

Years active:

2 years

Preferred locations:

All Australia (full regions list)

Current bookings:

29 Nov 11 Dec 11 Dec 27 Jan '25 30 Jan '25 17 Feb '25 31 Mar '25 29 May '25

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Greetings, I am Jarrod, a single 42 year old full-time house and pet sitter that genuinely loves all creatures great, tiny and in-between.
People find me to be calm, sincere, kind, reliable and responsible. I do not smoke, use drugs, or consume alcohol. I maintain excellent physical and mental health and enjoy the simple quiet life. I am knowledgeable and capable in varying degrees across most trades.
I have many reviews/referrals available for you to read from both Mind-A-Home and other housesitting sites, a National Police Check certificate, and am more than happy to meet or call if you'd like. (Please see "Attachments" below for reviews/referrals from other sites).
The thing that people tend to find most interesting about me is that I was a Buddhist monk for a decade (I still abide as much as possible within a similar lifestyle and morals).
I look forward to talking to you soon.

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