Sensory experiences for pet stimulation

Sensory activities pets

Animals use their sense of smell, touch, taste and sound to learn about their surroundings, find food, hunt, play and more. Their senses are attuned to their environments and just like humans, engaging the senses of our pet pals in various ways helps keep their minds engaged and sharp.

There are various ways to engage your pet’s senses. Many of which you may already do. Here are a few ideas to spark your pet’s imagination.


Bright colours and moving objects are ideal forms of visual stimulation that will capture your pet’s attention. Interactive toys such as laser pointers for cats or the humble bouncy ball for dogs can serve as visual stimulation for your pet. Colourful bedding and toys not only add a splash of colour to your pet’s special space, it can also attract their gaze and intrigue.


Pitch, volume and different noises serve as auditory stimulation for your pet. Many pet parents leave the radio on for their pet pal during the day for familiarity. Music and audiobooks can be another good source of auditory stimulation throughout the day. When a calming mood is needed, sounds of nature help soothe our fur friends.


Our pet pals are always eager for a cuddle or a roll around in the backyard. Human touch plays an important role in providing a stimulating experience, in addition to strengthening our bond with our animal companions. Other ways to offer tactile stimulation for our pets include providing bedding or play mats with different textures.


Feeding does more than fill our pet’s tummies. It is also an opportunity to engage their sense of taste. Treats and food puzzles make mealtime fun and engaging. Food puzzles also help challenge pets and engage their minds to work for their food. Offering a variety of flavours and textures during mealtimes is another exciting way to engage your pet’s sense of taste.


Animals have a very powerful sense of smell. Scented toys can be used to intrigue or soothe your pet. Hiding treats for your pet to find using their sense of smell is also a clever way of keeping them stimulated.

Providing our pet pals with sensory experiences will help keep their minds and bodies active and engaged. Remember to suit the activity to your pet’s unique needs, age and breed. With a little time and thought, offering sensory experiences will enhance your pet’s environment and enrich their life, health and happiness.

For the times you can’t be there with your pet pal, engage a live-in pet sitter to provide sensory stimulation for your doggo or kitty while you’re away.