Springtime pet allergies

Pet Sitting

With plants flowering, pollens spreading through the breeze, and our pets exposed to weeds and other grasses in the backyard or on walks, our pets might experience adverse skin reactions to these seasonal environmental changes.

As the weather warms and our pet pals spend more time outdoors, keep an eye out for signs that the change in season could affect your pet. Continue reading “Springtime pet allergies”

Minding our pet’s mental wellbeing

pet health

We’ve all read the stats and facts that our pets boost our mood, improve our health and bring positivity to our lives. Now it’s time to turn the tables to consider the well-being of our pets and ways we can support them to thrive in life.

As pet parents and carers, we often look to the physical wellness of our pets, rather than dicing a little deeper to see what else could be happening under the surface. Continue reading “Minding our pet’s mental wellbeing”

The three Cs of pet medication

Giving pet medication

The three Cs of pet medication

We love our pet pals, and we want them to live long and healthy lives. Sometimes, that means that they need medication. While it can be a challenging process for both pets and pet parents, it is necessary.

The three Cs of pet medication will help you get through. Just remember calm, confidence, and a little compassion go a long way when administering medication for a pet pal.

Here are some tips to help you safely get your pet to have the medication they need.

  • Educate yourself:Take time to understand the medication required for your pet. Clarify with your vet the dosage, how often to administer medication, and any side effects.
  • Hide the evidence:The simplest way to make sure your pet swallows their medication is to hide it in food. Mix pills and liquid medication with canned foods. Hand-feeding your fur kid can also ensure the medication is swallowed.
  • Get the technique right:If your vet advises that medication be taken on an empty stomach, you’ll need to practice your technique. In a recent article, Dr Catherine Tiplady suggests: ‘gently open your dog’s mouth by holding one hand above their muzzle. Tilt their nose upwards and place the tablet toward the back of the mouth, then close their mouth and gently rub or blow on their nose.’ You can also purchase pill dispensers to help the process along.
  • Remain calm and confident:Pets can sense when their owners are nervous or anxious, which could make them more resistant to taking medication. Make sure your pet is in a safe and comfortable place. Stay calm and confident during the process, and speak to your pet in a soothing, familiar voice to help keep them relaxed.
  • Take responsibility:Ensure one person in the household takes responsibility for administering your pet’s medication. This will avoid double-ups and can be monitored.
  • Praise your pet:Make sure to reward your pet for good behaviour and praise them for their cooperation. Positive reinforcement will make the process easier next time.
  • Be consistent:Follow the instructions provided to you by your vet. Remain consistent in administering the medication at the same time, and in the same manner to help establish a routine for your pet. Consistency can help reduce stress and make the process more manageable.
  • Show compassion:You know your pet better than anyone else. Consider how you can engage with your pet to ensure the process isn’t too stressful. Consider how they may be feeling, if they are in pain, or if they simply need a break.

If you’re having trouble administering medication for your pet pal, contact your vet for advice. They may be able to provide additional tips or alternative medications that are easier to administer.


Garden tips for the green paw

Pet Garden Safety

Garden tips for the green paw

If you like spending time in the garden, there’s a chance your pet pal might also consider themselves a green paw. Here are tips on garden maintenance to help you spruce up the green life and keep your fur friend safe and happy.

  • Know your garden: Become familiar with the different varieties of plants and flowers growing in your garden. Many common garden plants, such as lilies, azaleas, and tulips, can be toxic to dogs and cats if ingested. If in doubt, pull it out or create boundaries for your pet.
  • Garden boundaries: Flowering plants, bushes and trees are beautiful when in bloom. If you’d rather your pet stay away from these flowering beauties, create fencing or other barriers to ensure your pet stays away.
  • Fertilisers: Our plants need good food to grow and thrive, and fertilisers are commonly used to help this process. Consider using pet-friendly organic fertilisers and pesticides that don’t pose a risk to our pet pals when they’re wandering through the foliage.
  • Train and praise: Just as you might use the backyard to teach your dog to ‘sit’, take the opportunity to teach them boundaries. Train them to stay aware of certain areas in the yard, praise them and reinforce good behaviour with treats.
  • Tidy up: Make sure you tidy up shovels, garden forks, sprays and other garden maintenance items to ensure your pet doesn’t come in contact with sharp edges or toxic liquids.

If you are concerned your pet may have ingested something harmful while in the garden, seek advice from your vet immediately.

Browse online profiles of live-in house and pet sitters across the country who have experience in garden maintenance and animal care.






Pets Encourage Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits The winter blues are sure to have hit many of us. You may feel more sluggish, a bit lethargic and less motivated.

If you’re keen to get back into an exercise routine, getting that extra push you need to get started may just be disguised as a bundle of fur. That’s right, your fur-friend could be your key to becoming more motivated to get back into healthy habits.

Owning a pet or pet sitting can offer so many health benefits. Animals are known to be great stress relievers, proven to reduce blood pressure and make us more socially resilient. Continue reading “Pets Encourage Healthy Habits”

Canine Flu and Your Pet

Canine FluWe’ve turned to Pet Problems Solved to seek advice on how to deal with canine flu. The canine flu is caused by two different viruses that can only be transferred between dogs. Unfortunately, much like the flu that many humans have experienced this winter, our dogs simply need to suffer through the symptoms as well.

The symptoms of the canine flu range from nothing at all, or could be in the form of a cough, fever, lethargy, or refusing food. Once you’ve identified that your canine friend has the flu, you can really only go about managing their symptoms. Continue reading “Canine Flu and Your Pet”

3 Life Lessons Your Pet Will Teach You

Mindahome.com.au February Blog

Sometimes it almost feels as if the months and years go by in the blink of an eye. We all know the old adage ‘stop and smell the roses’, but with work, family and life in general getting busier and busier, the idea of ‘stopping’ doesn’t seem to resonate in today’s world.

Our pet pals though, have this magic ability. They offer us unconditional love, affection and attention and whenever we spend time with them, we do take time to appreciate the best things in life.

Often, life lessons come packaged up in a ball of fluff and fur and give us perspective about what’s important and how best to make the most of every day. Continue reading “3 Life Lessons Your Pet Will Teach You”