Many home insurance companies prefer that you have a house and pet sitter in your home while you’re away because it makes the house look ‘lived in’.
With many house and pet sitters providing police checks and testimonials from previous positions, you have the peace of mind that they will be trustworthy, but there may be a few added checks you may want to do prior to leaving:
- Inform your insurance company of the period you will be away and mention that you will have a house and pet sitter staying in your home
- Advise neighbours that you will be on holidays and perhaps even introduce them to the house sitter so they recognise the face staying at your house
- Generally, the cost of utilities and internet, etc are covered by the home owner, however on some occasions home owners negotiate a bond with house and pet sitters, that is returned at the completion of the sit
- Allow the house and pet sitters to come a few days early so that they become familiar with the quirks of the house and understand your pet’s personality
- Provide contact numbers for how to reach you while you’re away and also provide local contacts for house and pet sitters in case of an emergency – such as your local vet and the neighbours. Nowadays there are so many ways to communicate, you should be able to give your house and pet sitter social media details in addition to your traditional phone and email address.
Search some of our trustworthy house and pet sitters for your next holiday.