A home fit for feathered friends

Aviary Care

A home fit for feathered friends. A home-owner and pet-sitter guide.

Creating a healthy, safe and engaging home for winged companions requires daily maintenance and care.  

An aviary can be a beautiful addition to the home of any bird enthusiast, offering the pleasant daily songs of happy feathered friends. 

Maintaining an inviting, stimulating, and healthy environment for birds requires time and dedication. Here are some tips to help you create a paradise for your feathered companions. 

Daily cleaning: Remove food spills, change water daily and clean soiled surfaces such as food and water dishes/dispensers, nesting areas and perches. It’s wise to do a thorough check and clean every month to ensure the aviary walls and overall structure are free from mould and remain strong and sturdy. A clean environment reduces the risk of infection, which could lead to serious health issues. 

Keep the air flowing: Good ventilation is key to a healthy aviary environment. Ensure adequate airflow without exposing the birds to extreme weather or strong drafts.  

Managing environmental temperatures: Consider heating options for colder times of year such as heat lamps on enclosed nesting options. Smaller cages could be brought inside or covered with suitable towels or cloths. During warmer weather, providing shade and misting options will help your feathered companions keep cool. 

Nutritious diet:  A balanced diet that provides essential nutrients is crucial for your bird’s overall well-being. Consult your vet about an appropriate seed mix, fruits, and vegetables for your bird’s species. Clean, fresh water is a must, especially on hot days. Monitor your bird for any signs of illness or nutritional deficiencies, and seek veterinary advice if needed. 

Stimulation: Aviaries should provide plenty of space for birds to spread their wings and fly. The enclosure should include various enrichment opportunities to support both mental and physical well-being. Varying perch heights and sizes, incorporating bird-friendly plants, and adding toys such as bells can provide regular stimulation. Daily interactions and conversations with your bird will also strengthen your bond and encourage positive social experiences. 

Creating a safe and healthy haven for your bird friends is an important way to support their overall health and well-being. When engaging a live-in pet sitter, ensure they are aware of aviary care requirements to ensure feathered friends enjoy uninterrupted care and attention. 

Show you care on Love Your Pet Day

Our furry, scaly and feathery friends are more than just pets, they’re members of the family. The unconditional love and affection that our pet pals give willingly, is on full display every day.

Now, for Love Your Pet Day, it’s our turn to share the love. Need a few thought starters? We have you covered. Here are some of our top ideas to make your pet pal feel extra special today, and every day. Continue reading “Show you care on Love Your Pet Day”

Reading to pets

Reading to PetsReading can be a transformative experience, taking us to incredible worlds, discovering unique perspectives, learning new information and skills, and much, much more.Interestingly, a good page-turner can also have a positive effect on our pets.

While there isn’t a great deal of evidence that tells us exactly how reading impacts our pet pals, real-life examples highlight that reading presents positive outcomes for people and our four-legged friends.  Continue reading “Reading to pets”

Spruce up pet spaces this Spring

Dog in bed

It is the season of Spring cleaning! It’s the perfect time to give our pet’s belongings a little clean-up to reduce odour, and parasites and to support the general well-being of our fur kids.

While our pets love familiar scents on their bed, blankets and toys, it comes a time when all these items need to have a good wash – or get replaced altogether!

Pet beds: Most pet beds can be washed in the washing machine, however, it’s best to check the manufacturer’s instructions. But before the bed even makes it into the washing machine, remove as much pet hair as possible with a vacuum. Then give it another once over using wet hands or sticky tape wrapped around your hand to pick up any extra hair. Choose a hot or cold setting for washing, based on the manufacturer’s instructions and opt for unscented detergents to prevent skin irritations for your pet. Leave the pet bed to dry in the sunshine and ensure it is completely dry before your pet uses it again.

Food bowls: If your pet’s water bowl is looking a little green and slimy then it’s certainly time for a good scrub. Pet bowls that aren’t cleaned regularly can harbour bacteria that could cause skin irritations around the mouth and chin, or lead to upset precious pet bellies. Stainless steel food and water bowls are better options than plastic or ceramic bowls which are harder to keep clean. The simplest way to clean pet bowls is to soak them in hot soapy water, scrub them with a clean brush or sponge to dislodge any hidden food debris, rinse and then dry with a towel or cloth before leaving to completely air dry.

Pet toys: Wash soft toys in the washing machine or by hand but check the manufacturer’s instructions for the best wash setting. Review hard toys and discard any that have jagged edges or pieces that your pet can chew and dislodge. Cleaning hard toys can involve a good wipe-down with a clean cloth. You can also use equal parts vinegar and water to soak toys, then thoroughly rinse and allow to dry completely before giving back to your pet pal.

Animal-loving pet sitters can help maintain clean pet spaces during their stay. Find an experienced live-in house and pet sitter to provide personalised care for your pet.

Hefty Paws: Pet Obesity and the next steps

Ginger Cat

There are various physical and mental health risks associated with excess weight gain for our beloved fur kids.

Worrying statistics reveal that in Australia over 40% of dogs and more than 32% of cats may be considered overweight or obese. These figures highlight the need for greater awareness and education about the causes of pet obesity and the steps to take, to help protect the health and quality of life of our pet pals. Continue reading “Hefty Paws: Pet Obesity and the next steps”

Sensory experiences for pet stimulation

Sensory activities pets

Animals use their sense of smell, touch, taste and sound to learn about their surroundings, find food, hunt, play and more. Their senses are attuned to their environments and just like humans, engaging the senses of our pet pals in various ways helps keep their minds engaged and sharp.

There are various ways to engage your pet’s senses. Many of which you may already do. Here are a few ideas to spark your pet’s imagination.


Bright colours and moving objects are ideal forms of visual stimulation that will capture your pet’s attention. Interactive toys such as laser pointers for cats or the humble bouncy ball for dogs can serve as visual stimulation for your pet. Colourful bedding and toys not only add a splash of colour to your pet’s special space, it can also attract their gaze and intrigue.


Pitch, volume and different noises serve as auditory stimulation for your pet. Many pet parents leave the radio on for their pet pal during the day for familiarity. Music and audiobooks can be another good source of auditory stimulation throughout the day. When a calming mood is needed, sounds of nature help soothe our fur friends.


Our pet pals are always eager for a cuddle or a roll around in the backyard. Human touch plays an important role in providing a stimulating experience, in addition to strengthening our bond with our animal companions. Other ways to offer tactile stimulation for our pets include providing bedding or play mats with different textures.


Feeding does more than fill our pet’s tummies. It is also an opportunity to engage their sense of taste. Treats and food puzzles make mealtime fun and engaging. Food puzzles also help challenge pets and engage their minds to work for their food. Offering a variety of flavours and textures during mealtimes is another exciting way to engage your pet’s sense of taste.


Animals have a very powerful sense of smell. Scented toys can be used to intrigue or soothe your pet. Hiding treats for your pet to find using their sense of smell is also a clever way of keeping them stimulated.

Providing our pet pals with sensory experiences will help keep their minds and bodies active and engaged. Remember to suit the activity to your pet’s unique needs, age and breed. With a little time and thought, offering sensory experiences will enhance your pet’s environment and enrich their life, health and happiness.

For the times you can’t be there with your pet pal, engage a live-in pet sitter to provide sensory stimulation for your doggo or kitty while you’re away.


Sensible snake care

Snake care

Their slithery scales and forked tongues may make many of us squeamish, but their cleanliness and easy maintenance make snakes ss-sensational pets.

Around 3% of Australian households play home to pet reptiles with an estimated 538,000 pet reptiles dotted across the country. Snakes are the top choice for reptile lovers with 36% of reptile owners welcoming one – or more! – into their home.

As the most popular reptilian pet amongst Aussies, let’s sense-check our skills in caring for our slithery snake friends to ensure their happiness and everyone’s safety. Continue reading “Sensible snake care”

Pawesome winter warming ideas

pets in winter

As the winter chill begins to set in, it’s important to care for our pet pals’ comfort, health and safety needs as the temperature drops. Whether you have a playful pup, a curious cat, or a cuddly bunny, here are some tips to keep your beloved pets warm and cozy this winter.

The comforts of a warm bed

Blankets that pets can snuggle into will help insulate pet pals from the cold. Adding pillows or old towels to their sleeping quarters will help cushion their bodies and provide an extra layer of protection against the chill of the ground. Continue reading “Pawesome winter warming ideas”