Pet Sitter Profile: Chloe and Wayne

Chloe and Wayne are pet lovers through and through. They have cared for many different pets in the two years that they have chosen the pet sitting lifestyle and their escapades with furry friends have helped them save for a wedding and many other life goals. Read about their pet sitting experiences and tips for securing repeat pet sits.

Pet Sitter Profile

What is your favourite pet sitting experience?

There’s so much to love about the people and pets that we have met it’s hard to pick a standout winner. But our two favourite sits couldn’t be more different, one home set among the eucalyptus trees and walking tracks of Warranwood, it was a real place of peace and solitude for us. Their 8 month old Rottweiler is also one of our favourite pets to sit for. The other, a beautiful home in Ashburton with another of our favourite pets, Bella! It had the convenience of an oval nearby for short walks, heaps of walking tracks for long weekend explorations and a great local coffee shop and heaps of cafes within walking distance that loved having the dogs there too! So, it turns out it’s many things that make an experience so good, gorgeous (and well behaved) pets, a comfortable home in a location that we were able to enjoy and explore in return and having connected with the owners as well, this has led to many repeat sits.

What is your favourite animal and why?

This is a tough one! Frankie the 8-month-old Rottweiler who didn’t know her own size and would clumsily (all paws and floppy puppy legs) chase shadows around the house is a hands down winner. She was such a baby but looked anything but – this juxtaposition in itself was enchanting. Watching her grow so much in just 6 weeks, not only in size, but we continued with her training too – you can’t help but get attached when you have been so involved at an important part in their lives.

My favourite is probably Bella, the energetic, slightly cross-eyed, crazy, cuddly chocolate Cavoodle who loves to play games. So much personality it’s like having a sibling in the house with you!

But there was one other who won our hearts. Adarla the oh so beautiful miniature Shih Tzu with a soft light charcoal coat and deep “fall in love with me” eyes! And that we did! Relentlessly chased by her bossier companion we would love swooping her up in our arms so she could have a few moments of peace.

The personality of each of these dogs is why we have such a good bond and enjoy sitting for them.

As 95% of our sits have been for dogs, it’s no surprise that our favourite experiences have been with dogs, but I love cats and love a good feline cuddle. Outside of that I love elephants and giraffes but I’m yet to secure a sit at the zoo!

What is the most important question you ask pet and home owners before a pet sit?

Everything about the pet is important from feeding time, when to give medication, to where to put their poo! But we also like to know their routine – all pets are happier when their routine stays the same, so we aim to keep to that as much as possible. We also ask what motivates them and what are their bad habits! Knowing what they love helps us to bond when we arrive.

Also, the travel dates and times. No harm in triple checking!! We have had 2 sits where the owner got their return date wrong by a whole day because of the time differences between here and where they are flying from. Luckily there are two of us so we can cover any eventuality!

What is your top tip for pet sitters wanting to secure call backs?

Be relatable. Pet owners are looking for a natural fit, someone who gives them confidence they are right for the job so make sure your message is tailored to what they are looking for. If they have an old pet, for example, let them know if you can administer medication if needed. Pre-empt their needs best you can. If you do follow up, remember home-owners may be overwhelmed with making a choice, so a gentle reminder that you feel there is a good natural fit can go a long way to securing a meeting but don’t be pushy. It’s their home and their pet so it has to be right for them too.

To find out more about Chloe and Wayne and their availability, visit their pet sitting profile page.