House Sitting Is A Dream Come True For Michael

Mike & Jackson MM2Becoming a Mindahome house-sitter last year fulfilled a dream I had some years earlier. I have always loved cats and dogs, providing them the quality time and attention which they enjoy and appreciate – strokes, massages, comforting words and favourite dishes. When friends have noticed my affection towards their pets, they have suggested house-sitting and caring for others’ animals. The loyalty these pets give in return cannot be underestimated!

Since joining Mindahome in 2012, I have relished memorable house-sits in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.These are my highlights:

• ragdoll cat (Jackson) with special needs in Melbourne during May 2013. Needing a house-sitter urgently to administer Jackson’s medication and food through a tube, his owners flew me to Melbourne, giving them peace of mind while visiting their family in Mildura. Although Jackson missed his ‘mother’, he gradually accepted me as a carer and ate small yet more frequent portions of cooked fish. He liked my frequent caressing by night and day. This resulted in improvements to his health – appetite, appearance and communication (meows and purring). This was a short but delightful time ending on a happy note for us all! Continue reading “House Sitting Is A Dream Come True For Michael”

It’s as ‘Good as Gold’ being a house sitter on the Gold Coast!

House Sitter Gold CoastWhether you are holidaying or home sitting on the Gold Coast in sunny Queensland, you are sure to find a whole range of things to do, see and have fun. The Gold Coast is a place with a heart of gold, full of lively, vibrant people and all the amenities close at hand.  Only 94 kilometres south of Brisbane, the Gold Coast has a reputation as a top class tourist destination, fantastic surfing and impeccable views and beaches.

With a humid subtropical climate the Gold Coast is a great place to visit at any time of the year. You will find the city welcoming and full of friendly people. Surfing and water are very much a part of life here, with many properties having access to the canals and coastline that is so popular. The Gold Coast has a fantastic 57 kilometres of beaches and a very impressive surf lifesaving service that is one the best in Australia. The Queensland Shark Control Program is in place to help keep beach users and surfers safe by netting sharks that venture into the waters off the major beaches. Continue reading “It’s as ‘Good as Gold’ being a house sitter on the Gold Coast!”

Explore Victoria on a Budget

From the heights of the eucalyptus-scented Dandenong Mountains to the emerald green expanses of the Yarra Valley, Victoria is one of Australia’s most stunning states. You can save money on renting property in Victoria by choosing to housesit, and will find a wide range of accommodation types available to suit your needs. Although Melbourne can be as pricy as any major metropolitan area, there are also many sights that are free of charge. This means that enjoying your time in Victoria doesn’t have to break the bank.

Free Melbourne Attractions

One of the highlights of Victoria is its cosmopolitan capital city, Melbourne. You’ll find no shortage of slick boutiques and fashionable lounges to spend your money in, but the city also boasts plenty of attractions that don’t cost a cent. The quaint City Circle Tram is a good way to see the city for free, allowing you to hop on and off as many times as you wish. Another great way to see all that Melbourne has to offer is to explore its narrow European-style streets on foot, particularly around Flinders Lane and Brunswick Street. Continue reading “Explore Victoria on a Budget”

How to win that House Sitting position

When a home owner contacts you, you can be sure you are not the only house sitter they have approached. In fact, we know that a home owner in need of a sitter will look at many candidates before making a decision. This means you need to do everything possible to increase your chance of being the one they choose.

We all know of the importance of making a great first impression and for the house sitter, that first impression is your profile page. Continue reading “How to win that House Sitting position”

Pet owners info

Is a House Sitter coming to care for your Pets?

Using a Pet Sitter is a great idea and your pets will thank you for it when you are away.  There are a number of things that you can do to make sure your Pet and the Sitter have the best possible time together.

Pet sitters are animal lovers but they do not know about the Diet, Health, Habits, Routines, Rules relating to your pet because each household and pet is different.  Any information you can supply would be appreciated by your Pet Sitter so that they can be as ease knowing they are providing your companions with the care, love and attention they are used to.

Below is a list of some things your furry companions’ may like you to tell their new Sitter! Continue reading “Pet owners info”

When money gets tight, smart holiday makers get creative!


These days people in the know are enjoying free accommodation when they travel.

Winter is behind us and the holiday season is looming. For people that can take time off, travel plans and arrangements are already under way. However, with money tighter than usual, some are hesitant to spend as freely as they have in the past and this limits where and how far they go, how long they stay away and the quality of accommodation they can accept.

But what if there was a way to get away from it all without breaking the bank? What if there was a way for people to enjoy an extended holiday at a destination of their choice without the cost of a hotel or motel?

When money gets tight people get creative and now is no exception. Staying in a 5 star hotel may be impossible, but a restful break in spacious accommodation at a desired location is still a possibility because smart holiday makers are opting to just sit around. House-sit, that is.

House-sitting, where people arrange for others to live in their home rent free in exchange for looking after their property and pets, is becoming popular as a low cost holiday alternative. Tough economic times might be shrinking the wallet but it doesn’t have to shrink those holiday dreams and for house-sitters, a trip to an interesting place, city or even a warmer climate is still a reality. Continue reading “When money gets tight, smart holiday makers get creative!”

Your holiday is more fun when you know your pets are happy


Who doesn’t love their pets? When you are heading off for a holiday or vacation and can’t take them with you, what are your options? Have you arranged for neighbors or relatives to spend time at your home to look after them? Or are you dropping your furry friends off at the local kennel, leaving them sad eyed, confused and wondering what’s going on? Is that what you want and can you really count on your friends and neighbors?

We know commercial kennels are in the business of providing care for pets but are you prepared for the risks involved should the environment you investigated not be as perfect as you imagined? Continue reading “Your holiday is more fun when you know your pets are happy”

My House Sitting experiences

I have to say that I am an avid fan of House Sitting!!  I hadn’t even heard of House Sitting until 2 years ago when a friend asked me if I would live in their home while they were away in the U.K. for 3 months.  They had a cat and a parrot (they love each other) and didn’t want to put the cat into a ‘cattery’ because she was quite old.  The Parrot needed someone who understood its special needs, and I fitted the bill..

I have my own 2 bedroom unit and I must say the prospect of a 3 bedroom home with lots of room and a garden appealed to me.

After 3 months my friends returned home, were absolutely delighted with all I had done, gave me a beautiful gift and I returned to my flat. Continue reading “My House Sitting experiences”

House Sitting in Nashville

Grand Ole OpreyI love to travel and my most recent experience was to Nashville where I visited the Grand Ole Opry. This is best known for housing the longest-running radio show in America, and a country music institution since 1925.

The venue used to be housed at the Ryman Auditorium (which is a wonderful old building still in the heart of Nashville), until 1974 when it moved to its new location on the east side of downtown Nashville. It now seats over 4000 people.

They brought the original circular oak stage with them in the move and incorporated it into the new stage giving the feel of ‘age’ to this new location. This also means that the current artists appearing at the new venue are actually standing on the very same boards that the early singers such as Patsy Cline, Elvis Presley and many more, stood on. It has a fantastic atmosphere. Modern performers talk of the thrill they get from treading these same boards as their heroes. Continue reading “House Sitting in Nashville”

Travelling on a budget

Ok, we agree that house sitting and house swapping is one way to dramatically reduce the cost of the accommodation part of your vacation but what about that other big expense, the cost of getting to your destination? Stanley Emerson has these tips to save on the cost of air fares.

The Cheaper Way To Get Away by Stanley Emerson
All people need a break, to reconnect with the spouse, to reward the kids, to recharge the soul. But planning a vacation getaway can quickly turn into a stressful project when the subject of expenses comes up. Airfare alone can kill the fantasy. And when people already factor in accommodations, food, and shopping, any budget-conscious mother would just give up and stay home.

Thankfully, there are now more options for quick and fun vacations without having the costly air fares.

Cheap Airfare

So, how does low-cost or cheap air fare work exactly? Simple: Budget air travel gets you to your destination in the shortest time and at the cheapest possible price. Continue reading “Travelling on a budget”