Rural house sitting

We received an email from long time Mindahome house sitters Rick and Tara (members since 2014), describing their experiences house sitting in rural Tasmania back in 2015.

Screen Shot 05-24-17 at 03.43 PM 001Hi Mindahome, your article on rural house sitting was good and from our perspective on our 11th housesit in less than a year we are living rural, almost remote Tasmania.  We have a long housesit here now and love the peace and quiet.

The other advantages we didn’t expect where the friendly communities in the country.  The generosity and even work experience we are gaining.  Hubby has been helping fence paddocks and we moved cattle during one farmers short break.  So not just our homeowner benefits, but we are an extra pair of hands where needed. Learning all the time.

Screen Shot 05-24-17 at 03.42 PM 002We have been reaping the last of the summer harvest of home grown vegetables, and the neighbours all about have been giving and trading.  We arrived in mushroom season which was lovely and now the cold has set in.  We have been provided with good firewood as trade for fencing etc and even received a tank of petrol for watching the cattle for a few days. We have had over thirty kilos of free apples from local people which we have stewed bottled and frozen, given away to the people we have met in town.  Today I will be freezing carrots after a case was given us. So we are blessed and able to bless others.

Everyone looks out for each other out here and it’s got glorious scenery to boot.  We had no hesitation in accepting another rural housesit in Victoria.  We are amazed at how popular house sitting is and never expected to get so many requests.  We only wish we could help everyone.

Screen Shot 05-24-17 at 03.41 PM 001Another benefit is making friends along the way and we have people who ask for us to come back again, but it’s first in first served now. It’s a compliment when people want you back and recommend you to their friends.

On that note we have sent several of those who are word of mouth requests to your site.  We recommend it to everyone that asks. Out of three sites we have used in the past we prefer yours.  It is set out well and easy to use. Most of our work has been through Mindahome.  We will be renewing our membership with you again this year no worries there.

Rick and Tara
Looking forward to what’s around the next corner!