Do pets love TV as much as we do?

Pets and TVHave you ever noticed that the soft, almost inaudible click signalling the TV powering up is enough to summons your pawesome pet pal from wherever they may be? Are your pet’s eyes transfixed on the screen as you watch the latest episode of Neighbours together?

In an age of digital entertainment, where streaming services are entrenched in everyday TV viewing and binge-watching is a cultural phenomenon, it’s not just humans who are attracted to the glowing screen. Furry friends across the country – and the world – are snuggling up on the couch with their humans to watch along for entertainment and stimulation. Continue reading “Do pets love TV as much as we do?”

How to organise a last minute pet sit

Last Minute pet care


If one of your goals this year is to live in the moment and travel more, then there’s sure to be times when you need to organise a pet sitter for fido or kitty at very short notice. Here’s how to best approach finding your ideal pet sitter for a last minute getaway.

  1. Write an outline for your position

More detail is usually better than less, especially when organising a pet sitter at short notice. Include photos, care requirements and consider the way you phrase your expectations. If there are special pet care requirements or home maintenance, list these details in the position listing.

  1. List your position online

Home and pet owners can list positions for free on the Mindahome platform and can be connected with experienced, animal loving house and pet sitters right across the country.

  1. Reach out to your networks

When time is of the essence, another way to attract attention from potential home and pet sitters is to reach out to past sitters to check their availability. If they are not available, they may be able to make a recommendation. Via the Mindahome platform, home and pet owners can also reach out to sitters who they feel may suit their requirements directly.

  1. Review testimonials and previous reviews

Always review and request previous testimonials or references from house and pet sitters, particularly when organising a last minute pet sit. Via Mindahome’s review system, homeowners can leave reviews on a sitter’s profile, which provide a snapshot on the suitability of the sitter for your needs.

  1. Set up a virtual interview

When time is short, use technology to your advantage! Organise a virtual chat with potential house and pet sitters via platforms such as Skype, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet. A conversation about the pet and home care requirements, as well as learning more about the pet sitter and their experience, will help you feel more at ease.

  1. Introduce the sitter to your home and pets

If time allows, arrange for the home and pet sitter to stay at your home for at least one day prior to you leaving. This will ensure that any questions can be resolved before you leave and you, your pet and the sitter are comfortable with the arrangement.

Organising pet care at the last minute can be stressful and challenging. However, by following the above steps, all that’s left is for you and your fur-friend to enjoy a stress free holiday.

Consider adopting a new fur-family member

Adopt a pet

While its strongly advised to never give a pet as a surprise gift to a friend or relative, adopting a fur-friend into your home could be your festive wish this year. If you’re considering welcoming a dog, kitty or other pet into your home this year, there’s many reasons to consider adoption.

According to RSPCA, over 19,000 dogs, more than 35,000 cats and over 40,000 other animals were received by RSPCA shelters and sites nationally during 2021/22. Of the animals they rescue, Pet Rescue recorded 85% pet adoptions in the same period with Victorians taking over Queenslanders for the highest rate of pet adoptions.

There are many deserving pets that are looking for a place to call home however there are some things to consider before you dive into the role of a new pet parent or welcome a new fur-kid to your home.

  • Lifestyle: How will your pet fit into your lifestyle? Consider how your pet will be cared for if you have to travel. There are animal-loving pet sitters available across the country to help you on that front. Also think about exercising the pet. Are you able to go on daily walks with your dog or provide stimulating activities for your kitty or guinea pig?
  • Costs: Depending on the size and breed of the pet, consider the costs to feed and provide shelter.
  • Space: Is there ample room in your home our outdoors for your pet to have their own space to retreat to with toys, food and water when they need some time on their own?
  • Security and Safety: Is your home set up to ensure your pet can’t get out if frightened? Research micro-chipping and an ID tag for your pet to ensure they are returned home, if they accidentally get lost.

Of course, there are many, many benefits to adopting a pet pal.

  • Health and wellbeing: As we all know, pet provide companionship, and the drive to get out and be active to keep our minds and bodies healthy. Pets are known to increase social connections, reduce stress and improve our moods. Not only are these benefits for humans adopting pets, but also for pets who are getting their second chance at life.
  • Micro-chipped and desexed: Often when you adopt a pet from a shelter, they are already micro-chipped and desexed by the rescue group.
  • Matured in behaviour: Adopting a pet from a shelter means that they have been around other animals and generally are more socially mature and may also have toilet training complete or underway.

There are many rescue groups across Australia that can help connect you with a pet pal that is looking for their forever home. This festive season, consider pet adoption for a new or additional fur-kid to benefit you and your furry companion.


Pet-Friendly Resolutions for the New Year

Pet New Year

The New Year is a time when we tend to make promises to ourselves and others about making the most of every day. This year, add a pet’s perspective to your New Year’s resolutions for a fur-friendly 2023.

Here are just some of the resolutions you might like to consider for this year, but the options are endless and can be designed specifically to suit you, your fur kids and your lifestyle. Continue reading “Pet-Friendly Resolutions for the New Year”

Avoid decoration disasters this Christmas

Pet Christmas

‘Tis the season for bright lights, colourful tinsel, glittery baubles and trinkets. While festive decorations set the scene for merry celebrations, here are some pet safety tips to ensure all members of the family have a good time.

  • Manage power cords – The number one tip for a pet-safe Christmas is to always keep power cords and power packs tidy and out of sight of your pet-pal. Lights will gain your pet’s attention and curiosity. Young pups and kittens may like to chew cords, so it’s best to take steps to hide cords, or eliminate the temptation all together.
  • Secure your Christmas tree – For cats who adore climbing, a Christmas tree will seem a mighty challenge! Make sure your tree is secured at the base, and regularly collect fallen tree needles to ensure your pet doesn’t get them stuck in their paw or think they’re a tasty treat!
  • Decoration choice – Baubles, tinsel and other decorations can have sharp edges, hooks and bits that easily fall off. Consider plastic ornaments to reduce the risk of breakages. Like a ball of string, your cat will love the long tinsel hanging loosely from your tree. But tinsel can be hazardous if ingested. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a decoration, seek advice from your vet immediately.

As we gear up for the festive season, remember some of the foods that are toxic for our pet pals and read our blog article about feeding leftovers to our pets.


Setting the sleeping scene

pets sleeping

Do you like to snuggle up with a furry friend in bed or prefer a paw-free night’s sleep? The experts say that there are significant mental health and well-being benefits to cuddling up with a furry friend each night.

Of course, this sleeping arrangement doesn’t suit everyone and while a cuddly companion does bring comfort and reduce stress, they have also been found to disrupt our sleep.

In a survey of Mindahome pet sitters, 22% say that the pets they cared for wanted to sleep alongside them.

It’s understandable that pet parents and their fur kids get into certain habits, however, sleeping arrangements should always be discussed with a pet sitter before taking on the position.

Here are some of the questions pet sitters and owners should cover before a sit to ensure a stress-free experience – for pet sitter and pet!

  • Where does the pet sleep during the day and at night?
  • Do they like their own bedding or are they free to sleep on the couch, rugs and bed?
  • At night do they sleep in the bed or on the floor?
  • If they like to sleep in the bed, do they cuddle up close or prefer to have some space?
  • Are they toilet trained, or do they need to be let out at night?
  • Is the pet up to date with the flea and tick treatments?
  • How often should I change the pet/human bedding?

For pet sitters who prefer their own space at night, it’s best to include this preference as part of your profile. Alternatively, make it a point for discussion during initial conversations with pet owners.

For pet owners looking for their ideal pet sitter to keep their fur-kids company while they’re away, browse sitter profiles online. Pet sitters can also browse pet sitting positions online to find a furry friend to cuddle.

Pantry politeness

It’s a common question among our house and pet sitting community – what are the rules for pantry politeness? While there aren’t any hard and fast rules, per se, there is a sort of unwritten code that home and pet owners, along with pet sitters agree to that delivers a mutual understanding and respect for each other.

While it will differ for each home and pet sitting arrangement, here are a few things to consider to help determine whether you’re abiding by polite pantry procedure. Continue reading “Pantry politeness”

A considered list can be a valuable tool

housesitter list

Ask any pet sitter about their best asset going into a home and pet sit, and they will likely state ‘a list’. While ‘a list’ sounds like a run-of-the-mill requirement for a new pet sit, a good list is what will ensure both sitter and homeowner are prepared for any eventuality.

Mindahome member Kai takes a proactive approach to list-making and develops a list of questions for the homeowner to respond to before even stepping across the threshold. Continue reading “A considered list can be a valuable tool”

Timing house and pet sits

If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that preparation and adaptability are key. Home and pet owners can be looking to engage a pet sitter for a few days, several weeks, a couple of months and even more.

While the consensus among house sitters may be for homeowners to give at least one month’s notice for an upcoming sit, last-minute sits can be fruitful for both house sitters and homeowners.

Let’s unpack the various circumstances to see how best these can work for our animal-loving community. Continue reading “Timing house and pet sits”