Safety Checklist for Pet Sits During COVID-19

covid19 pet care

Pets are good for our health and well-being. They are known stress relievers and have an extraordinary power that makes us feel an overall sense of happiness. As we all face a ‘new normal’ for everyday life, we could all use a touch of fur-friend happiness.

House and pet sits are making a comeback, with COVID-19 restrictions in Australia easing in some areas. But preparation and vigilance will be key in ensuring the safety of pet owners, pet sitters and our cuddly fur-friends.

The CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Infections) offers tips and hints for staying safe at home. Below we’ve outlined some of the simple steps you can take to stay safe and healthy. Continue reading “Safety Checklist for Pet Sits During COVID-19”

3 Reasons Your Pet Needs to Stay at Home

At home with a pet

Our pets are our companions, our confidants, our best friends. We want to spend every moment enjoying their unconditional love and affection. It’s natural to want to have them by your side always. But for the times when we have to be away from home for an extended period, maybe leaving them at home is the best option for their safety and overall mental health and well-being.

A survey of Mindahome pet parents revealed that 96% said they chose a live-in pet sitter so their pet could stay in their own home environment. 66% felt that engaging a pet sitter would reduce their pet’s anxiety. 86% valued having a pet sitter for their pets to keep to their usual routine.

So no matter how much you love your pet, here’s some of the reasons why your pet may be better off staying at home. Continue reading “3 Reasons Your Pet Needs to Stay at Home”

Tips to Find Your Ideal Pet Sitter

Pet Rabbit

It’s a big decision to leave your furry BFF in someone else’s care for a few days, a week, or perhaps even months on end. So, finding the perfect pet sitter who understands your pet’s routine, health needs and unique personality is important in reducing your pet’s – and your – anxiety while you’re apart. Here are a few tips to help you attract your perfect pet sitter:

  1. Focus on the Details

When posting your position, add as much detail as possible about your pet. This could include their daily walk schedule, regular medicines they need, special diets, or even the amount of exercise they need depending on their age, mobility and stamina. These finer details will help pet sitters understand what is required from your position, and, could also attract sitters who have previous experience in caring for a pet with similar needs to yours.

  1. Know Your Pet

Does your pet bounce around all day and need someone to take them out for walks twice a day to expend energy? Or do they prefer to plod around your home and take regular naps? Know your pet’s personality and consider this when choosing a pet sitter. Some pet sitters work from home, are semi-retired, are full-time travellers, or choose to pet sit to live closer to work. Talk openly to your pet sitter candidates to make sure their lifestyle also suits your pet’s needs. Continue reading “Tips to Find Your Ideal Pet Sitter”

Canine Flu and Your Pet

Canine FluWe’ve turned to Pet Problems Solved to seek advice on how to deal with canine flu. The canine flu is caused by two different viruses that can only be transferred between dogs. Unfortunately, much like the flu that many humans have experienced this winter, our dogs simply need to suffer through the symptoms as well.

The symptoms of the canine flu range from nothing at all, or could be in the form of a cough, fever, lethargy, or refusing food. Once you’ve identified that your canine friend has the flu, you can really only go about managing their symptoms. Continue reading “Canine Flu and Your Pet”

Keeping Pets Warm in Winter

Cat snuggled

Although many animals have a layer or fur or hair, this doesn’t always mean that they are protected from the harsh winds and weather of winter.

Greyhounds, Chihuahuas and Dalmatians are among the short haired dog breed that really feel the chill when the temperature starts to dip.

But it’s not just our canine and feline friends that need help to stay warm. Cold blooded, reptilian pets rely on their habitat to regulate their body temperature. They too need suitable housing, lighting and heating to get them through the winter. Continue reading “Keeping Pets Warm in Winter”

Know Your Pet’s Personality

Just like us, our pet’s have their own unique personality, which some researchers believe, they may even share with their owners.

It’s interesting to observe pets and their pet-parents at the dog park or walking down the streets of any city or town. It’s intriguing to see the similarities in their attitude and activity. There’s such a vibrant diversity in personalities with everything from the highly energised types through to those that are more laid back and happy to watch the world go by.

Here are some of the personalities we’ve observed in our pet travels. Do any of these personality traits sound like your treasured pet-pal? Continue reading “Know Your Pet’s Personality”

The 3 P’s of Pet Sitting

Pet SittingAustralia is renowned for being a pet loving nation, so we understand that high quality pet care is at the top of the list for many pet owners. House and pet sitters are part of a pet loving community that treat the pets under their care as if they were their own.

Whether you’re looking for a pet sitter or you are a pet sitter yourself, here are three P’s, that we think, every great pet sitter should possess.

Personalised Approach Continue reading “The 3 P’s of Pet Sitting”

Top 10 Things To Do With Your Pet Pal This Year

Top 10 Pet Tips

Just like any relationship, the strength of the bond with your fur-friend is only as good as the effort you put in. Spending time with your pet is one thing, but spending quality time with your furry, feline, feathery and even scaly friend can be something different all together.

Like us, dogs can become bored easily so making play time fun is important for you, and your pet, to ensure you get the most out of your time together. Simple things such as playing catch or reading to your pet are great ways to show your pet you care, but changing the play routine will make sure your pet continues to be stimulated both mentally and physically so they don’t stray into mischievous habits. It also ensures you look forward to these moments just as much as your fur-kid, rather than considering it a ‘tick the box’ activity. Continue reading “Top 10 Things To Do With Your Pet Pal This Year”

7 Signs Your Cat May be Stressed

7 Signs Your Cat May Be Stressed

Cats are quite reserved creatures and rarely let on exactly how they might be feeling, so it would be hard to recognise whether your feline friend is suffering from stress and anxiety.

We spoke with our friend and experienced animal behaviourist, Dr Jo Rhigetti from Pet Problems Solved, about the signs that we should be looking for to tell if our cat needs some help.

7 Signs Your Cat May be Suffering from Stress Continue reading “7 Signs Your Cat May be Stressed”

Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Dog separation Anxiety

Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Our canine friends can sometimes experience separation anxiety when they’re away from us. It’s a common problem and one that can be addressed from a young pup age. Thanks to our friend Katrina from Kat’s 4 Dogs, we now have a few tips to help us condition our dog pals able to cope with being  left on their own.

Create Distance:

Use a play pen and a crate to create distance for your puppy at home. Although we want to shower our new pup with affection – almost always! – resist the temptation to overindulge and use the play pen to contain your pup and prevent over bonding. If your pup cries when you leave the room, resist the urge to go running back, because that will show them that crying isn’t a signal for you to be together.

Set Your Authority:

We often feel guilty about leaving our dog when we have to go out for a while or go to work. When the guilt gets us down, we tend to overcompensate by giving our pets extra attention, and rewareds even if they have been naughty in the house or yard. Sometimes just putting your dog in the backyard and not allowing her to follow you around the house will help. Continue reading “Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Dogs”