Tips to Find Your Ideal Pet Sitter

Pet Rabbit

It’s a big decision to leave your furry BFF in someone else’s care for a few days, a week, or perhaps even months on end. So, finding the perfect pet sitter who understands your pet’s routine, health needs and unique personality is important in reducing your pet’s – and your – anxiety while you’re apart. Here are a few tips to help you attract your perfect pet sitter:

  1. Focus on the Details

When posting your position, add as much detail as possible about your pet. This could include their daily walk schedule, regular medicines they need, special diets, or even the amount of exercise they need depending on their age, mobility and stamina. These finer details will help pet sitters understand what is required from your position, and, could also attract sitters who have previous experience in caring for a pet with similar needs to yours.

  1. Know Your Pet

Does your pet bounce around all day and need someone to take them out for walks twice a day to expend energy? Or do they prefer to plod around your home and take regular naps? Know your pet’s personality and consider this when choosing a pet sitter. Some pet sitters work from home, are semi-retired, are full-time travellers, or choose to pet sit to live closer to work. Talk openly to your pet sitter candidates to make sure their lifestyle also suits your pet’s needs. Continue reading “Tips to Find Your Ideal Pet Sitter”

12 Ideas for Christmas Savings!

Save Extra money for Christmas

Come January, many of us may find that the festive season has stretched our wallets a little further than we would have liked. With gifts and more to buy for family, friends and fur-pals, we can understand that some of us can get carried away with the gift-giving spirit.

But if you don’t want to be paying off a hefty credit card bill for most of next year, then consider some of these ideas to save this Christmas and keep your new savings for yourself.

  1. Budget

It’s best to start off the gift-giving season with a budget. Know how much you want to spend on each gift and maybe even have a chat with friends and family to set and gift budget for each family member. The trick is to stick to your budget and to not stray with small purchases along the way. Continue reading “12 Ideas for Christmas Savings!”

Why Pet Sitting is a Win for You

Pet Sitting is a win for everyone

It’s well known that Australia is a pet loving nation. Aussies are also renowned for their genuine willingness to lend a helping hand when needed. Combine the two and that’s ultimately the pet sitting arrangement.

When pet-parents want their fur-kid cared for by someone they know will treat them like their own little fur-kid, a live-in pet sitter is the natural choice. And pet sitters enjoy staying somewhere comfortable without the huge price tag. It’s a win/win for all! Continue reading “Why Pet Sitting is a Win for You”

Pet Sitting To Purchase

Buying a home for the first time in Australia’s major metropolitan cities continues to be top of the  wish list for many young Aussies. For some, saving that first deposit is the biggest hurdle. But with upwards of $10,000 of savings per year up for grabs as a house and pet sitter, you’d be crazy not to give it a try.

So if you’re planning to plunge into a mortgage for your dream home, you’d better make sure it’s the right one for you. That’s where pet sitting comes in. Continue reading “Pet Sitting To Purchase”

Travel Solo as a Sitter

Solo Traveller, pet sittingIf you thrive on following the road less travelled and you enjoy making new friends, then house and pet sitting could be your calling.

For many who choose to travel on their own, pet sitting is a great way to save money and to try life in someone else’s shoes for a while.

In Australia, house and pet sitting is more attractive than ever, with close to 40% of sitters choosing to explore the country while staying free in other people’s homes and caring for pets. Continue reading “Travel Solo as a Sitter”

Pets Encourage Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits The winter blues are sure to have hit many of us. You may feel more sluggish, a bit lethargic and less motivated.

If you’re keen to get back into an exercise routine, getting that extra push you need to get started may just be disguised as a bundle of fur. That’s right, your fur-friend could be your key to becoming more motivated to get back into healthy habits.

Owning a pet or pet sitting can offer so many health benefits. Animals are known to be great stress relievers, proven to reduce blood pressure and make us more socially resilient. Continue reading “Pets Encourage Healthy Habits”

Money Saving Hack #12 – Choose a Pet Sitter’s Life!

Travel Light pet sitter mindahome

We’ve all heard the old adage ‘less is more’, but if we truly put this into action, it can actually reap some very sizable rewards.

Travel Light

The life of a house and pet sitter can be rather nomadic; always on the move from one position to the next. It’s not for everyone, but for those who embrace the adventure, house and pet sitting can save them loads of cash.

Aside from living rent free and saving every dollar you earn, rather than handing it over to a landlord in rent, the trick to being a successful house and pet sitter is travelling light. Continue reading “Money Saving Hack #12 – Choose a Pet Sitter’s Life!”

Know Your Pet’s Personality

Just like us, our pet’s have their own unique personality, which some researchers believe, they may even share with their owners.

It’s interesting to observe pets and their pet-parents at the dog park or walking down the streets of any city or town. It’s intriguing to see the similarities in their attitude and activity. There’s such a vibrant diversity in personalities with everything from the highly energised types through to those that are more laid back and happy to watch the world go by.

Here are some of the personalities we’ve observed in our pet travels. Do any of these personality traits sound like your treasured pet-pal? Continue reading “Know Your Pet’s Personality”

Money Saving Hack #54 – Meal Planning

Money Saving Travel

Planning for your meals while on house and pet sits will help you save money. Sounds simple, right? While most of us can appreciate that meal planning is a great way to ensure we don’t waste the food we buy, few of us go that extra step to physically writing down our meal plans – and stick to them!

Meal planning is particularly useful when you have back to back house and pet sits. It will help you manage the fresh food you need for a particular period and, as time goes by, you will get better at estimating how much you will need for any meal for any period.

Fresh fruit such as bananas, can ripen very quickly, so only buy enough to last you for your house and pet sit period. Continue reading “Money Saving Hack #54 – Meal Planning”

3 Life Lessons Your Pet Will Teach You February Blog

Sometimes it almost feels as if the months and years go by in the blink of an eye. We all know the old adage ‘stop and smell the roses’, but with work, family and life in general getting busier and busier, the idea of ‘stopping’ doesn’t seem to resonate in today’s world.

Our pet pals though, have this magic ability. They offer us unconditional love, affection and attention and whenever we spend time with them, we do take time to appreciate the best things in life.

Often, life lessons come packaged up in a ball of fluff and fur and give us perspective about what’s important and how best to make the most of every day. Continue reading “3 Life Lessons Your Pet Will Teach You”